Strangest Laws From Around The World - Những luật kỳ lạ nhất thế giới
Laws are made to function a seemingly healthy community in a stable and disciplined fashion. However, there are many strange laws still in operation around the world. Some evoke a response of "Is this real?" and others evoke genuine laughter, but technically you could be prosecuted if you break the following laws.
Pháp luật được đặt ra để điều hành một cộng đồng có vẻ lành mạnh một cách ổn định và kỷ luật. Tuy nhiên, có nhiều đạo luật kỳ lạ vẫn hiện hành trên khắp thế giới. Một số gợi ý một phản ứng kiểu "Đây có thật không?" và những luật khác gây cười thực sự, nhưng về mặt kỹ thuật bạn có thể bị truy tố nếu bạn vi phạm các luật sau đây.
Do Not Feed The Pigeons - Không được cho Bồ câu ăn

It's illegal to feed pigeons in Venice, Italy. The pigeon poop actually pollutes the local buildings and a fine of around 50-600 USD should be enough to deter you.
Được coi là bất hợp pháp khi cho chim bồ câu ăn ở Venice, Italy. Phân chim bồ câu thực sự gây ô nhiễm các tòa nhà địa phương và phạt tiền khoảng 50-600 USD là đủ để ngăn chặn bạn.
Do Not Forget Your Underwear - Không được quên nội y

In Thailand, it is illegal to leave the house if you are not wearing underwear.
Tại Thái Lan, ra khỏi nhà nếu bạn không mặc đồ lót là phạm pháp.
Do Not Stare At Mannequins-Không được nhìn ma-nơ-canh (người mẫu để bày quần áo)

One law to remember when on your family holidays in the UK is that any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked mannequin!
Một luật cần nhớ khi gia đình của bạn đi nghỉ ở Anh là bất kỳ cậu bé dưới 10 tuổi nào cũng không được phép nhìn ma-nơ-canh không mặc đồ.
Do Not Drive a Dirty Car Không được lái xe bẩn

Dirty cars spotted in Moscow can end up with a 100 USD fine, although how dirty isn't defined.
Xe bẩn bị phát hiện ở Mát-xcơ-va có thể chịu bị phạt 1oo đô hoặc hơn, mặc dù bằn mức nào thì không định nghĩa.
Do Not Chew a Gum- Cấm Nhai kẹo cao su

Chewing gum isn't sold in Singapore and chewing it will get you in trouble, as will feeding the birds, spitting and not flushing public toilets. Singapore is a pristine and immaculate destination and they want to keep it that way.
Kẹo cao su không được bán tại Singapore và nhai kẹo sẽ khiến bạn phải gặp rắc rối, cũng như là cho chim ăn, khạc nhổ và không xả nước nhà vệ sinh công cộng. Singapore là một điểm đến nguyên sơ và tinh khiết và họ muốn giữ nó như vậy.
Do Not Cheat On Exam - Cấm gian lận trong thi cử

In Bangladesh, children 15 and older can be put in jail for cheating on their final examinations. Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.
Tại Bangladesh, học sinh từ 15 tuổi trở lên có thể bị bỏ tù vì gian lận trong kỳ thi tốt nghiệp. Hàng năm, chính phủ Bangladesh có biện pháp mạnh để ngăn chặn gian lận và thực hiện một chiến dịch truyền thông lớn để cảnh báo học sinh thông qua sách báo và truyền hình.
Do Not Make Ugly Faces - Cấm nhăn mặt xấu xí

In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog.
Ở Oklahoma, bạn có thể bị bắt vì nhăn mặt xấu xí trước mặt một con chó.
Do Not Eat Chocolates - Cấm ăn sô-cô-la

In England, it is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance.
Ở Anh, sẽ phạm luật nếu một phụ nữ ăn sô cô la trên phương tiện đi lại công cộng.
Do Not Look At Moose From An Airplane _

Isn't it highly unlikely for the human eye to view a moose from an airplane? Nevertheless, expect your eyes to be scooped out if you break this law!
Cũng rất khó để tận mắt xem được một con nai sừng tấm từ máy bay? Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn vi phạm pháp luật này bạn sẽ thấy mắt của bạn sẽ bị móc ra!
Do Not Allow Your Dog To Bark - Không được để chó sủa

Dogs may not bark after 6 PM. Taping your dog's mouth for this one might not get you a fine. How can one stop dogs from barking after a specific time?
Chó không được phép sủa sau 6 giờ tối. Hãy dán băng keo miệng chó của vì nó có thể khiến bạn phải nộp tiền phạt. Làm sao có thể ngăn chó sủa sau một thời điểm cụ thể được nhỉ?
Do Not Drink Alcohol - Cấm uống rượu

Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time. Intoxication may lead to over enjoyment, which may lead to one dancing, how expression of joy is illegal here, is beyond the logical mind.
Rượu không được phép bán trong các câu lạc bộ ban đêm nếu khiêu vũ đang diễn ra tại địa điểm đó cùng lúc. Say rượu có thể dẫn đến phấn khích quá mức, khiến người ta nhảy múa, biểu hiện phấn khích mức nào là phạm luật ở đây thì khó mà giải thích mộ cách hợp lô-gic.
Do Not Snore - Cấm ngáy

Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. They actually made this a statute!
Ngáy là bị cấm trừ khi tất cả cửa sổ phòng ngủ được đóng cửa và khóa an toàn. Người ta đã thực biến điều này một quy chế!
Do Not Walk In Public Without a Smile - Không được đi dạo nơi công cộng mà không nở cười

A person may not be seen in public without a smile on their face. Simply, if you are having a rotten day, some massive grievance just struck you, just keep smiling! No matter what!
Một người bị cấm không được có mặt nơi công cộng mà không có một nụ cười trên khuôn mặt. Đơn giản, nếu bạn đang có một ngày tồi tệ, một nỗi đau lớn lao đãn hành hạ bạn, chỉ cần giữ lại nụ cười! Không thành vấn đề!
Last But Not Least - Beat Your Wife! - Sau cùng nhưng chưa hết - Cấm ânhs vợ

In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the courthouse steps on Sundays.
Laws are made to function a seemingly healthy community in a stable and disciplined fashion. However, there are many strange laws still in operation around the world. Some evoke a response of "Is this real?" and others evoke genuine laughter, but technically you could be prosecuted if you break the following laws.
Pháp luật được đặt ra để điều hành một cộng đồng có vẻ lành mạnh một cách ổn định và kỷ luật. Tuy nhiên, có nhiều đạo luật kỳ lạ vẫn hiện hành trên khắp thế giới. Một số gợi ý một phản ứng kiểu "Đây có thật không?" và những luật khác gây cười thực sự, nhưng về mặt kỹ thuật bạn có thể bị truy tố nếu bạn vi phạm các luật sau đây.
Law: You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Why would you have an ice cream cone in your back pocket in the first place?
Why would you have an ice cream cone in your back pocket in the first place?
Law: Moose may not be viewed from an airplane.
Isn't it highly unlikely for the human eye to view a moose from an airplane? Nevertheless, expect your eyes to be scooped out if you break this law!
Isn't it highly unlikely for the human eye to view a moose from an airplane? Nevertheless, expect your eyes to be scooped out if you break this law!
Law: It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine.
Perhaps manufacturing original cocaine is no longer illegal. The creator of this law might just be on crack.
Perhaps manufacturing original cocaine is no longer illegal. The creator of this law might just be on crack.
Law: Dogs may not bark after 6 PM.
Taping your dog's mouth for this one might not get you a fine. How can one stop dogs from barking after a specific time?
Taping your dog's mouth for this one might not get you a fine. How can one stop dogs from barking after a specific time?
Law: No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour.
Do the law makers expect moving vehicles to be without drivers?
Do the law makers expect moving vehicles to be without drivers?
Law: It is legal to challenge a police officer, but only until he or she asks you to stop.
How can one challenge an officer while on the 'go' is a mystery! This law is against the law of 'motion' in physics for sure!
How can one challenge an officer while on the 'go' is a mystery! This law is against the law of 'motion' in physics for sure!
Law: It is unlawful to walk backwards after sunset.
Walking backwards after sunset may well be a believable myth. Only a complete retard would walk backwards continuously.
Walking backwards after sunset may well be a believable myth. Only a complete retard would walk backwards continuously.
Law: Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time.
Intoxication may lead to over enjoyment, which may lead to one dancing, how expression of joy is illegal here, is beyond the logical mind.
Intoxication may lead to over enjoyment, which may lead to one dancing, how expression of joy is illegal here, is beyond the logical mind.
Law: It is considered an offense to shower naked.
This rule really means for one to shower with their clothes on, and if not done so, someone might just barge in the bathroom and fine you stark naked! This is absolutely mind boggling.
This rule really means for one to shower with their clothes on, and if not done so, someone might just barge in the bathroom and fine you stark naked! This is absolutely mind boggling.
Law: Members of the state assembly cannot be ticketed for speeding while the state assembly is in session.
Duh! As the members of the state assembly, may not be driving at that time and be sitting in the assembly that is in session.
Duh! As the members of the state assembly, may not be driving at that time and be sitting in the assembly that is in session.
Law: All residents may be fined as a result of not owning a boat.
So those not-so rich blokes who cannot afford a boat, have to pay a fine for being poor?
So those not-so rich blokes who cannot afford a boat, have to pay a fine for being poor?
Law: A person may not be seen in public without a smile on their face.
Simply, if you are having a rotten day, some massive grievance just struck you, just keep smiling! No matter what!
Simply, if you are having a rotten day, some massive grievance just struck you, just keep smiling! No matter what!
Law: The English language is not to be spoken.
If the English language is not to be spoken in the state of Illinois, a state of a nation whose official language is English, then what is to be spoken? Gibberish, perhaps!
If the English language is not to be spoken in the state of Illinois, a state of a nation whose official language is English, then what is to be spoken? Gibberish, perhaps!
Law: Baths may not be taken between the months of October and March.
Convenient law for the not-so hygienic!
Convenient law for the not-so hygienic!
Law: A man with a moustache may never kiss a woman in public.
This law is a simple example of discrimination against a man with a moustache against a clean shaven one.
This law is a simple example of discrimination against a man with a moustache against a clean shaven one.
Law: Pedestrians crossing the highways at night must wear tail lights.
Sigh! Since when were pedestrians an equivalent to vehicles? Tail lights on human beings? The must be kidding when creating this law!
Sigh! Since when were pedestrians an equivalent to vehicles? Tail lights on human beings? The must be kidding when creating this law!
Law: A woman may not buy a hat without her husband's permission.
It won't come as the slightest surprise if this one was formed somewhere in the 17th century and they forgot to amend it, considering we are living in 2010!
It won't come as the slightest surprise if this one was formed somewhere in the 17th century and they forgot to amend it, considering we are living in 2010!
Law: One could land in jail for up to a year for making a false promise.
A great law for the vengeful people, but this one being considered as a serious statute is rather comical.
A great law for the vengeful people, but this one being considered as a serious statute is rather comical.
Law: You may not step out of a plane in flight.
You don't say! Are not all doors tightly jammed and the risk of getting out might as well land you on the seventh heaven?
You don't say! Are not all doors tightly jammed and the risk of getting out might as well land you on the seventh heaven?
Law: It's illegal to take a lion to the movie.
It is probably illegal to take a cannibal simply anywhere, not just the movies, for heaven sake!
It is probably illegal to take a cannibal simply anywhere, not just the movies, for heaven sake!
Law: Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
They actually made this a statute! Uproarious!
They actually made this a statute! Uproarious!
Law: A woman isn't allowed to cut her own hair without her husband's permission.
This one would have the feminists going riotous.
This one would have the feminists going riotous.
Law: It is illegal to sleep naked.
Sure! The law makers would step onto your private property, have you checked for sleeping naked and charge you if found guilty while you are stripped!
Sure! The law makers would step onto your private property, have you checked for sleeping naked and charge you if found guilty while you are stripped!
Law: If one is a parent to two illegitimate children, that person will go to jail for at least one month.
So perhaps being a parent to one illegitimate child is legal then!
So perhaps being a parent to one illegitimate child is legal then!
Law Single men between the ages of twenty-one and fifty must pay an annual tax of one dollar (enacted 1820).:
This is law is pretty much going against the Bill of Rights, tarnishing a single, very happy man's life, pushing him for marriage or to pay taxes, quite the same torture in a varying degree!
This is law is pretty much going against the Bill of Rights, tarnishing a single, very happy man's life, pushing him for marriage or to pay taxes, quite the same torture in a varying degree!
Law: Seven or more Indians are considered a raiding or war party and it is legal to shoot them.
Murder is legal through this law!
Murder is legal through this law!
Law: Sneezing or burping is illegal during a church service.
But thy Lord is forgiving, thee humans!
But thy Lord is forgiving, thee humans!
Law: It's still "legal" to hang someone for shooting your dog on your property.
This law simply breaks two laws; firstly it is fine for someone to 'shoot' your dog and secondly, it is totally 'legal' for you to hand that person to death! Outrageous!
This law simply breaks two laws; firstly it is fine for someone to 'shoot' your dog and secondly, it is totally 'legal' for you to hand that person to death! Outrageous!
New Hampshire
Law: You may not run machinery on Sundays.
Dishwashing, washing machine, irons, blenders, microwave ovens etc, are not to be used on a Sunday, else you will be charged for committing a felony! Intriguing really!
Dishwashing, washing machine, irons, blenders, microwave ovens etc, are not to be used on a Sunday, else you will be charged for committing a felony! Intriguing really!
New Jersey
Law: It is illegal to wear a bullet-proof vest while committing a murder.
Why would a murderer feel the need to wear a bullet-proof vest? Baffling!
Why would a murderer feel the need to wear a bullet-proof vest? Baffling!
New York
Law: The penalty for jumping off a building is death.
No way! As if jumping off the building may not result in death, and if it doesn't, the law offers its generous help by giving you a death sentence!
No way! As if jumping off the building may not result in death, and if it doesn't, the law offers its generous help by giving you a death sentence!
North Carolina
Law: All couples staying overnight in a hotel must have a room with double beds that are at least two feet apart.
Supreme lavishness or complete absurdity of a law such as this is a debatable question!
Supreme lavishness or complete absurdity of a law such as this is a debatable question!
North Dakota
Law: It is illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.
This act is considered as a felony is just so completely incongruous.
This act is considered as a felony is just so completely incongruous.
Law: No one may be arrested on Sunday or on the Fourth of July.
They should amend this law and add Christmas holidays in exclusion list to make it more stupid.
They should amend this law and add Christmas holidays in exclusion list to make it more stupid.
Law: People who make "ugly faces" at dogs may be fined and/or jailed.
What kind of a silly person would indulge in making faces at a dog, and what kind of a law maker would think of creating this law?
What kind of a silly person would indulge in making faces at a dog, and what kind of a law maker would think of creating this law?
Law: It's illegal to walk down a sidewalk and knock a snakes head off with your cane.
Even if a snake seems to be remotely threatening to you, you still will be charged with a federal felony of trying to protect yourself from a snake!
Even if a snake seems to be remotely threatening to you, you still will be charged with a federal felony of trying to protect yourself from a snake!
Law: Dynamite is not to be used to catch fish.
Of course dynamite should not be used to catch fish, for you won't catch the fish, you might just find nothing of the fish. Sense so common that everyone has it, yet it's a prescribed statute!
Of course dynamite should not be used to catch fish, for you won't catch the fish, you might just find nothing of the fish. Sense so common that everyone has it, yet it's a prescribed statute!
Rhode Island
Law: Any marriage where either of the parties is an idiot or lunatic is null and void.
What a super idiotic excuse of getting out of a commitment made for a lifetime.
What a super idiotic excuse of getting out of a commitment made for a lifetime.
South Carolina
Law: Horses may not be kept in bathtubs.
This law can not be more dumb! How can a horse possibly even fit in a bathtub? Moreover, why would you want to keep a horse in a bathtub!!
This law can not be more dumb! How can a horse possibly even fit in a bathtub? Moreover, why would you want to keep a horse in a bathtub!!
South Dakota
Law: If there are more than 5 Native Americans on your property you may shoot them.
Murder is made legal!
Murder is made legal!
Law: No Christian parent may require their children to pick up trash from the highway on Easter day.
Picking up trash is a capital offense!
Picking up trash is a capital offense!
Law: The entire Encyclopedia Britannica is banned in Texas because it contains a formula for making beer at home.
As if the formula for making beer is only in the Encyclopedia. How silly to ban a treasure of information!
As if the formula for making beer is only in the Encyclopedia. How silly to ban a treasure of information!
Law: Birds have the right of way on all highways.
So a speeding car has to give way to a bird. Birds travel via roads is simply a marvel!
So a speeding car has to give way to a bird. Birds travel via roads is simply a marvel!
Law: All residents shall bathe every Saturday night.
Do the law makers seriously check every household member to have bathed every Saturday night?
Do the law makers seriously check every household member to have bathed every Saturday night?
Law: It is illegal to tickle women.
Is that even a crime? Making it a crime should be a crime!
Is that even a crime? Making it a crime should be a crime!
Law: No person may walk about in public if he or she has the common cold.
Common cold maybe infectious but it's not as deadly as STD's! The person who made this statute was probably really ticked off at getting the common cold from bystanders!
Common cold maybe infectious but it's not as deadly as STD's! The person who made this statute was probably really ticked off at getting the common cold from bystanders!
West Virginia
Law: It is illegal to snooze on a train.
It could just not get more absurd than this!
It could just not get more absurd than this!
Law: Whenever two trains meet at an intersection of said tracks, neither shall proceed until the other has.
Ever heard of rail diversion tracks? Modern modes of commuting allow two trains to divide their tracks if they pass one another. On the other hand, obviously if that was not a possibility, no one would want a collision!
Ever heard of rail diversion tracks? Modern modes of commuting allow two trains to divide their tracks if they pass one another. On the other hand, obviously if that was not a possibility, no one would want a collision!
Law: Any person who fails to close a fence is subject to a fine of up to seven hundred and fifty dollars.
It's like saying that if someone is comfortable with the main door of their home open, is going to be charged for committing the freedom of doing such an act.
It's like saying that if someone is comfortable with the main door of their home open, is going to be charged for committing the freedom of doing such an act.
Do Not Feed The Pigeons - Không được cho Bồ câu ăn
It's illegal to feed pigeons in Venice, Italy. The pigeon poop actually pollutes the local buildings and a fine of around 50-600 USD should be enough to deter you.
Được coi là bất hợp pháp khi cho chim bồ câu ăn ở Venice, Italy. Phân chim bồ câu thực sự gây ô nhiễm các tòa nhà địa phương và phạt tiền khoảng 50-600 USD là đủ để ngăn chặn bạn.
Do Not Forget Your Underwear - Không được quên nội y
In Thailand, it is illegal to leave the house if you are not wearing underwear.
Tại Thái Lan, ra khỏi nhà nếu bạn không mặc đồ lót là phạm pháp.
Do Not Stare At Mannequins-Không được nhìn ma-nơ-canh (người mẫu để bày quần áo)
One law to remember when on your family holidays in the UK is that any boy under the age of 10 may not see a naked mannequin!
Một luật cần nhớ khi gia đình của bạn đi nghỉ ở Anh là bất kỳ cậu bé dưới 10 tuổi nào cũng không được phép nhìn ma-nơ-canh không mặc đồ.
Do Not Drive a Dirty Car Không được lái xe bẩn
Dirty cars spotted in Moscow can end up with a 100 USD fine, although how dirty isn't defined.
Xe bẩn bị phát hiện ở Mát-xcơ-va có thể chịu bị phạt 1oo đô hoặc hơn, mặc dù bằn mức nào thì không định nghĩa.
Do Not Chew a Gum- Cấm Nhai kẹo cao su
Chewing gum isn't sold in Singapore and chewing it will get you in trouble, as will feeding the birds, spitting and not flushing public toilets. Singapore is a pristine and immaculate destination and they want to keep it that way.
Kẹo cao su không được bán tại Singapore và nhai kẹo sẽ khiến bạn phải gặp rắc rối, cũng như là cho chim ăn, khạc nhổ và không xả nước nhà vệ sinh công cộng. Singapore là một điểm đến nguyên sơ và tinh khiết và họ muốn giữ nó như vậy.
Do Not Cheat On Exam - Cấm gian lận trong thi cử
In Bangladesh, children 15 and older can be put in jail for cheating on their final examinations. Every year, Bangladeshi government takes strong measures to stop cheating and carries out a massive media campaign to forewarn students through print and television.
Tại Bangladesh, học sinh từ 15 tuổi trở lên có thể bị bỏ tù vì gian lận trong kỳ thi tốt nghiệp. Hàng năm, chính phủ Bangladesh có biện pháp mạnh để ngăn chặn gian lận và thực hiện một chiến dịch truyền thông lớn để cảnh báo học sinh thông qua sách báo và truyền hình.
Do Not Make Ugly Faces - Cấm nhăn mặt xấu xí
In Oklahoma, you can be arrested for making ugly faces at a dog.
Ở Oklahoma, bạn có thể bị bắt vì nhăn mặt xấu xí trước mặt một con chó.
Do Not Eat Chocolates - Cấm ăn sô-cô-la
In England, it is illegal for a lady to eat chocolates on a public conveyance.
Ở Anh, sẽ phạm luật nếu một phụ nữ ăn sô cô la trên phương tiện đi lại công cộng.
Do Not Look At Moose From An Airplane _
Isn't it highly unlikely for the human eye to view a moose from an airplane? Nevertheless, expect your eyes to be scooped out if you break this law!
Cũng rất khó để tận mắt xem được một con nai sừng tấm từ máy bay? Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn vi phạm pháp luật này bạn sẽ thấy mắt của bạn sẽ bị móc ra!
Do Not Allow Your Dog To Bark - Không được để chó sủa
Dogs may not bark after 6 PM. Taping your dog's mouth for this one might not get you a fine. How can one stop dogs from barking after a specific time?
Chó không được phép sủa sau 6 giờ tối. Hãy dán băng keo miệng chó của vì nó có thể khiến bạn phải nộp tiền phạt. Làm sao có thể ngăn chó sủa sau một thời điểm cụ thể được nhỉ?
Do Not Drink Alcohol - Cấm uống rượu
Alcohol may not be served in nightclubs if dancing is occurring on the premises at the same time. Intoxication may lead to over enjoyment, which may lead to one dancing, how expression of joy is illegal here, is beyond the logical mind.
Rượu không được phép bán trong các câu lạc bộ ban đêm nếu khiêu vũ đang diễn ra tại địa điểm đó cùng lúc. Say rượu có thể dẫn đến phấn khích quá mức, khiến người ta nhảy múa, biểu hiện phấn khích mức nào là phạm luật ở đây thì khó mà giải thích mộ cách hợp lô-gic.
Do Not Snore - Cấm ngáy
Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked. They actually made this a statute!
Ngáy là bị cấm trừ khi tất cả cửa sổ phòng ngủ được đóng cửa và khóa an toàn. Người ta đã thực biến điều này một quy chế!
Do Not Walk In Public Without a Smile - Không được đi dạo nơi công cộng mà không nở cười
A person may not be seen in public without a smile on their face. Simply, if you are having a rotten day, some massive grievance just struck you, just keep smiling! No matter what!
Một người bị cấm không được có mặt nơi công cộng mà không có một nụ cười trên khuôn mặt. Đơn giản, nếu bạn đang có một ngày tồi tệ, một nỗi đau lớn lao đãn hành hạ bạn, chỉ cần giữ lại nụ cười! Không thành vấn đề!
Last But Not Least - Beat Your Wife! - Sau cùng nhưng chưa hết - Cấm ânhs vợ
In South Carolina it is legal to beat your wife on the courthouse steps on Sundays.
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