FDA Nods in Favor of Cystic Fibrosis Drug - FDA chấp thuận ủng hộ thuốc trị xơ nang
In a recent study, the Food and Drug Administration has given green signal to a drug which can cure cystic fibrosis. However, the drug, Kalydeco, from Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc., would not be that easy to get as it may cost one to shell out as much as $294,000 a year. The disease can make the body release thick, sticky mucus which could clog the lungs and consequently, creates problem for the pancreas. This even could make one’s body to stop breaking down food and absorb food. Immunity of patients could become worse to the level that they may get affected by minor infection in short duration.
So far, patients had no option but to stick to the medication which could shove off the symptoms, but with the study, there are hopes raised for as many as 30,000 cystic fibrosis patients in the U. S. and 100,000 world-wide. One will have to take the pill twice a day, along with fat-rich food to get the potential benefits.
As the news hit the market, it was told that the drug is among the most expensive drugs developed so far. Earlier, Soliris, which treats a blood disorder, was told be the most expensive of all drugs. It used to cost around $409,500 a year, while another drug Elaprase used to reduce mental retardation was found to be priced at $375,000 a year. However, the drugs are developed to cater to the needs to small number of patients.
Jeff Leiden, who is Vertex's new Chief Executive, said that the cost justifies the hard work being done and the rising demand for the cure of the disease. It is “hard to make these drugs. It takes hundreds of people working over a number of years and hundreds of millions of dollars, and it's all at risk” of not succeeding, said Dr. Leiden, when asked about the high price of the drug.