Tuesday, May 15, 2012

‘No Romance at School!’: ultimatum to students in China - Cấm yêu ở trường: tối hậu thư dành cho học sinh Trung Quốc

 ‘No Romance at School!’: ultimatum to students in China - Cấm yêu ở trường: tối hậu thư dành cho học sinh Trung Quốc

A middle school in East China has stipulated controversial rules, aimed at preventing puppy love among its students.
Foreign media reported that Yueqing Yucai School had banned young students of the opposite sex from talking alone in secluded areas such as in dark corners or under trees as well as giving each other expensive gifts. The media reported that the school did not allow students to hold hands, hugging and kissing while boys and girls would not be allowed to walk side by side on the playground. The school has also placed a notice reading, "We hope all of our students can stay rational and restrained when it comes to adolescent love so that they can be entirely devoted to their studies." The notice reportedly warns that falling in love at an early age disrupts academic study, which can cause physiological and psychological harm, and produces no result.
Any student found breaking the rules will be punished and their parents will be informed. Zhang Wu, a teacher at the school, told the media that the faculty was clearly aware of the difficulty in banning students from finding love at school, but hopes that the rules can serve as a deterrent, so things don't get out of control.

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