Tuesday, May 15, 2012

‘Humans still eat humans’ these days! - Người vẫn còn ăn thị người


‘Humans still eat humans’ these days! - Người vẫn còn ăn thị người

Foreign media have recently reported a recent arrest of three people in Brazil, suspected of making ‘empanadas’ out of human flesh, adding that the food have been sold out.
Although civilization governs all over the world, the incident still convinces us that human cannibalism remains in the modern world, and it still persists. A report said Brazil, in particular, has been linked to cannibalism in recent years. The Lancet journal reported in 1994 “that eating human remains” was common among 250 people who lived in an Olinda slum. “Poverty and a lack of compliance with laws” were blamed, since the starving individuals were eating human body parts that they found in the Brazilian city’s garbage dump.
Modern science, however, suggests that humans are far from being good eats for our own species because diseases can spread more readily with some being particularly gruesome. Prion diseases, for example, are thought to have inflicted prehistoric cannibals. These illnesses are sometimes referred to as “spongiform encephalopathies” because they often cause the brain to become riddled with sponge-like holes.

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