Tuesday, April 24, 2012

World News: North Korea Threatens 'Special Actions' Against South Korea - Bắc Triều Tiên dọa có hành động đặc biệt với Hàn Quốc

World News: North Korea Threatens 'Special Actions' Against South Korea - Bắc Triều Tiên dọa có hành động đặc biệt với Hàn Quốc
Violent rhetoric between North and South Korea is a regular feature of political life on the Korean peninsula. But the latest threat by North Korea to turn parts of the South to ashes has even long-time Korea watchers taken aback. The BBC has more.
“…the statement carried by the state news agency gave a detailed information about an attack it said it would soon carry out… it has North Korean soldiers shouting the word ‘kill’ and attacking effigies of the South Korean president.”
The statement targets South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak and the some members of the media in the South. According to ABC News, the statement said the military attack will use...
“...‘unprecedented peculiar means and methods[‘]...[and] all will be reduced to ashes in three to four minutes...[involving] ‘form of fire’.”
Analysts in Seoul have mixed reactions towards the threat, but the Voice of America suggests the threat should not be taken lightly, noting the newscaster made the announcement by...
“...interrupting regular programming on North Korea’s central television station early Monday afternoon, forcefully [reading] an unusual announcement from a unit of the army’s supreme command.”
CNN says the threat could be due to the South Korean military’s announcement of a cruise missile capable of striking any site in North Korean territory.
The Christian Science Monitor says the threat comes at a time when the U.S. and South Korean forces are concerned about the stability of the North Korean leadership.
“One overriding question...is how to assess the role of the country’s new leader Kim Jong-un, how much power he really wields over his generals and how he’s likely to want to lead North Korea.”
Analysts tell the New York Times, the North’s threat might be recently appointed Premier Kim Jong-Un’s attempt to solidify power, including...
“...a military provocation as part of its effort to establish Mr. Kim’s authority at home and boost his negotiating leverage with the United States...”
The threat increases tension between the North and South, but according to Thestar.com, a South Korean Defense Ministry official says no special military movement had been observed in the North.

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