Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Woman Offers Kidney to Help Boss, Then Gets Fired - Hiến thận cho chủ để được sa thải

U.S. News: Woman Offers Kidney to Help Boss, Then Gets Fired - Hiến thận cho chủ để được sa thải

Long Island, New York mom Debbie Stevens is angry and taking action against her former boss.  This all comes after she says she gave up her kidney more than a year ago to help her boss Jackie Brucia; she was then fired by Brucia shortly afterward. 
The New York Post says here’s how it all began...
“While Stevens was a close health match for Brucia, she wasn’t a perfect one. So the doctors agreed to allow Stevens to donate her left kidney to someone else in the transplant group so that Brucia could move up the waiting list and get her organ from someone else.”
That’s when the trouble began for Debbie Stevens who was working for the Atlantic Automotive Group.
“She says that after the surgery she skipped out on work for a bit because she wasn’t feeling well. Well, her boss says that is not allowed--and gave her the boot!”
Buzz: 60 says Stevens claims her boss was pressuring her to get back to work before she was ready, but that’s not all.
“Before Stevens was let go, she claims Brucia would parade her in front of coworkers, took away her overtime and transferred her to another dealership 50 miles from her house.”
Stevens is asking the state of New York for help. The Daily Mail reports...
“Stevens has now filed a legal complaint at the Human Rights Commission in New York claiming that the woman used her and then fired her ... Stevens' lawyer, Lenard Leeds, said he will file a discrimination suit against the company and would seek millions of dollars in compensation.”
And while kidney recipient Jackie Brucia hasn’t had much to say publicly about the situation, she did speak to WINS about it. 
“I will always be very grateful that she gave me a kidney. I have nothing bad to say about her.’”
Stevens told WCBS this whole experience has ruined her life.
“Part of me was taken away I cry alot. She broke your heart. She did break my heart.  Stevens says she sometimes wishes she could get her kidney back. I was used.”

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