Sunday, April 24, 2011

Apartments Lesson

People who live in apartments are called tenants. The person who owns the apartment is called the landlord or landlady. Tenants pay rent to the person or company that owns the apartment. Most tenants pay rent on the first day of each month. (4 pages)


  • Cities have stores, office buildings, houses, and apartment buildings.

Apartment Building

Apartment Building

  • Each apartment in this building has a kitchen, a bathroom, a living room, and one or two bedrooms.
  • This apartment building has six floors.

For Rent Sign

For Rent Sign

  • This is a For Rent sign.
  • This sign means that there is an apartment available for rent.



  • It costs $775 a month to rent a one-bedroom apartment in this building.

  • This price doesn't include utilities. Tenants must pay for their own gas and electric.



  • Each apartment comes with a mailbox.
  • This is the mailbox for apartment 2-B.



  • Doorbells make a sound when people push them.

  • The sound lets tenants know that someone is at the door.

  • The man is ringing the doorbell to Apartment 105-F.



  • Some apartment buildings have elevators.

  • Elevators carry people up to higher floors and down to lower floors.

  • The woman is pushing the button for the elevator because she doesn't want to walk up the stairs.



  • A staircase is a set of stairs.

  • Stairs are also called steps.

  • Two boys are sitting on the staircase. They are talking.



  • Some apartments have a balcony.

  • There are plants and chairs on this balcony.

Swimming Pool

Swimming Pool

  • Many apartment complexes have a swimming pool.

  • The water in this swimming pool is heated.



  • Most tenants park their car in a carport.

  • A carport is like a garage, but it doesn't have a door. It is open in the front.

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