Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alphabet Lesson

Alphabet Lesson

Alphabet ESL Lesson


There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. The first letter is A and the last letter is Z. Students first learn to print the letters, and then they learn how to write them in cursive. Letters are uppercase or lowercase. Uppercase letters are also called capital letters. (9 pages)

A a - Apple

A a

  • A is the first letter of the alphabet.

  • Apple starts with the letter a.

  • More words: ant, acorn, and anchor.

B b - Bread

B b

  • B is the second letter of the alphabet.

  • Bread starts with the letter b.

  • More words: baby, bacon, and balloon.

C c - Cat

C c

  • The third letter of the alphabet is C.

  • Cat starts with the letter c.

  • More words: cucumber, can, and color.

D d - Dog

D d

  • The fourth letter of the alphabet is d.

  • Dog starts with the letter d.

  • More words: diamond, dish, and dashboard.

E e - Eye

E e

  • The fifth letter of the alphabet is E.

  • Eye starts with the letter e.

  • More words: evening, eat, and enter.

F f - Feet

F f

  • F is the sixth letter of the alphabet.

  • Feet starts with f.

  • More words: family, fun, and five.

G g - Goat

G g

  • G is the seventh letter of the alphabet.

  • Goat starts with g.

  • More words: go, gum, and green.

H h - House

H h

  • H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

  • House starts with the letter h.

  • More words: hungry, honey, and hut.

I i - Ice

I i

  • I is the ninth letter of the alphabet.

  • Ice starts with i.

  • More words: it, I, and Internet.

J j - Jam

J j

  • J is the tenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Jam starts with j.

  • More words: jelly, jump, and January.

K k - King

K k

  • K is the eleventh letter of the alphabet.

  • King starts with k

  • More words: kindergarten, kids, and kite.

L l - Leaf

L l

  • L is the twelfth letter of the alphabet.

  • Leaf starts with l.

  • More words: love, lake, and lemon.

M m - Man

M m

  • M is the thirteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Man starts with m.

  • More words: moon, mouse, and map.

N n - Nails

N n

  • N is the fourteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Nails starts with n.

  • More words: night, now, and no.

O o - Onion

O o

  • O is the fifteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Onion starts with o.

  • More words: October, only, and on.

P p - Pen

P p

  • P is the sixteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Pen starts with p.

  • More words: pencil, purse, and paper.

Q q - Quarter

Q q

  • Q is the seventeenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Quarter starts with q.

  • More words: question, quilt, and quiet.

R r - Radio

R r

  • R is the eighteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Radio starts with r.

  • More words: road, run, and red.

S s - Sun

S s

  • S is the nineteenth letter of the alphabet.

  • Soap starts with s.

  • More words: sand, sun, and sit.

T t - Tools

T t

  • T is the twentieth letter of the alphabet.

  • Toots starts with t.

  • More words: tiger, tent, and ten.

U u - Umbrella

U u

  • U is the twenty-first letter of the alphabet.

  • Umbrella starts with u.

  • More words: understand, underline, and under.

V v - Vote

V v

  • V is the twenty-second letter of the alphabet.

  • Vote starts with v.

  • More words: vehicle, vitamin, and very.

W w - Wagon

W w

  • W is the twenty-third letter of the alphabet.

  • Wagon starts with w.

  • More words: winter, wheel, and wind.

X x - x-ray

X x

  • X is the twenty-fourth letter of the alphabet.

  • X-ray starts with x.

  • More words: xylophone.

Y y - Yarn

Y y

  • Y is the twenty-fifth letter of the alphabet.

  • Yarn starts with y.

  • More words: yellow, yell, and yes.

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