Sunday, February 20, 2011

Stealth Boat - Thuyền tuần tiễu

Stealth Boat - Thuyền tàng hình

The M-shaped revolutionary hull of the "M-80 Stiletto" gives it very good stability at high
speeds in shallow water, combined with great stealth.

Thân tầu hình chữ M có tính cách mạng của "M-80 Stiletto" giúp nó ổn định rất tốt ở
tốc độ cao trong vùng nước nông, kết hợp với tàng hình tuyệt vời.

M 80 Stiletto

The Stiletto, a Twin M hull vessel, is 80 ft in length with a 40 ft beam providing a rectangular
deck area equivalent to a conventional displacement craft 160 ft in length. The vessel's draft
fully loaded is 3 ft and is designed for a speed of 50-60 kts. Its superior performance is based
on M Ship Co.'s proprietary, globally patented technology, recapturing the bow wave using its
energy to create an air cushion for more efficient planing.

M Ship Co. was responsible for the design and construction of the vessel made solely of
carbon fiber for reduced weight and increased stiffness, the largest vessel ever built in the
U.S. of this advanced material. It was delivered to the Office of Force Transformation to
establish scalability of the M hull technology.

M Ship Co. has designed a family of such vessels to qualify for the full range of missions
contemplated for operations in littoral or coastal zone. These will offer significant advantages
over conventional displacement or planing craft based on the U.S. military's new littoral missions
where efficiency, low cost, innovation, higher payload fraction, agility, shock mitigation, shallow
draft and stealth are the new priorities for the next generation naval craft.

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