Sunday, February 20, 2011

Fly By Wire - Bay trên dây

Fly By Wire - Bay trên dây

Crazy extreme sport for adrenaline junkies in New Zealand. It represents a wire tense
between two mountains and a small vehicle with a propeller, laying in which you can fly
from one mountain to another, at a considerable speed on a 25 minute flight.

You’re the pilot
Feed the control freak inside with the fastest adventure flight in the world, where we put
you firmly in the pilot’s seat. We harness you securely into a purpose-built plane connected
to an overhead suspension point, fire up the engine and winch you into a near vertical release
position… and then it’s all up to you - you’re in charge of the throttle and you’re in charge of the
steering. Feel adrenalin flood your body as you release the tow, diving toward the valley floor
at exhilarating speeds, before you rocket up the other side. Choose when to turn, choose your
line, and choose how fast you want to go, because this is one ride where you’re in control.

Why we’re different
Our focus is customer experience, which means we do whatever it takes to provide the
optimum experience for you. There’s no hurry, limited numbers per trip and allocated spaces
for spectators. Take your time, relax and soak up the spectacular scenery.

How it works
Take a 25 minute van ride through Queenstown mountain scenery to our base in the valley.
Our fully trained ground crew will give you the complete low down during our safety briefing,
and issue you with safety helmets and flight suits. Take your position in the pilot’s seat and we’ll
securely attach you to the plane by a 5 point harness. Now you’re ready to take control.

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