Friday, April 13, 2012

Woman Strips Down at Denver International -Người phụ nữ thoát y tại phi trường quốc tế Denver



What’s the worst part of flying? If you said stripping off your socks, shoes, belt and accessories, chances are, you’re not alone. But one woman took “stripping” to a whole new level Tuesday morning. Barely able to keep it together, anchors for ABC’s World News Now explain what went down at the Denver International Airport.

“This woman was smoking in an area you’re not supposed to smoke in. And so the guy says, ‘Oh, can you put your cigarette out?’ And she says, ‘You know what, I’m just going to get naked right here at the airport. I’m not going to put out my cigarette.’ At 9:00 in the morning, took off all her clothes, and then asked an airport staffer, ‘If you could please re-print my boarding pass.’”

For a cool $3,000, TMZ managed to snag an exclusive photo of the unclothed woman. It published it to the website under the headline “TSA Meets T&A” – and called the incident bizarre.

Denver’s KDVR spoke to one passenger who describes the scene at the airport – saying other travelers didn’t really have time to laugh at the incident – they were more shocked than anything else.

“No one really noticed her at first because people were trying to get on their planes. And then about two minutes later, everybody realized she was buck naked...He says the woman’s behavior had parents running to cover their children’s eyes. Some, just stared.”

A writer for the has a different take on the incident – saying what attracted attention first was likely not the naked woman.

“In this day and age when smoking is even banned in some public parks, it's a greater breach of etiquette for a woman to smoke in a non-smoking area than it is for her to strip in the middle of an airport concourse. Folks probably noticed that she was smoking in a non-smoking, before they realized she was stark naked. If you are going to be a rebel and break the rules, you might as well break them all.”

So what happened after the woman stripped down to her birthday suit? A blogger for West Word explains authorities weren’t so much concerned for safety...but the woman’s mental state.

“[The woman] was taken to Denver Health for a mental health evaluation. Meanwhile, Fox31 reporter Justin Joseph reveals that there's a video of the incident, for which TMZ is apparently thinking about shelling out $10,000. Eat your heart out, Khloe and Beyonce.”

Authorities say the woman will not be arrested or face charges.

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