Friday, April 13, 2012

North Korea Rocket Fails: Bắc Triều Tiên phóng tên lửa không thành


Here’s a look at your top news headlines from Newsy.
After much attention and speculation, North Korea went ahead with its rocket launch Thursday.
It didn’t go well.
Here’s euronews.
“North Korea has attempted to launch a rocket, ostensibly to send a weather satellite into orbit as it said it would do. But South Korea says the rocket broke up within minutes and crashed into the sea.”
Hours after George Zimmerman made his first court appearance Thursday, the prosecution filed an affidavit — giving its version of what happened the night Trayvon Martin was killed.
CNN reports.
“According to the affidavit, Martin was, quote, ‘On his way back to the townhouse where he was living when he was profiled by George Zimmerman.’”
The United Nations plans to send observers to Syria in the coming days.
The BBC reports the mission would monitor compliance with U.N. and Arab League envoy Kofi Annan’s peace plan.
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told reporters the plan is not a menu of options, but a set of obligations.
“If it holds, a cease-fire is an important step. But it represents just one element of the special envoy’s plan.”
Google announced a plan to split its stock — adding a new class with no voting rights.
One analyst gave CNBC some early insight into the impact.
“They’ll probably trade at something of a discount. We have seen this with a few other companies. Particularly traditional media companies have done things like this. ... Typically, we’ll see a little bit of a discount, but we’ve got to see the fine print.”
Stay with Newsy for more multisource video news throughout the day. For Newsy, I’m Nathan Byrne, highlighting the top headlines making you smarter, faster.

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