Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Part-time job, yes or no? Làm thêm nên hay không?

Topic: Do you think high school students should have a part-time job or not? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your choice.

Having or not having a part-time job depends on our circumstances: financial status, time availability, health condition, and so on. In my opinion, a part-time job for a high school student is usually not a good idea.

Most high school students spend approximately 5 hours in/at school every day. In Viet Nam, where tough and cumbersome curricula are being applied with an average of thirteen different subjects for each semester, if you want to become a good student and achieve good examination results, attending lectures is not enough. That is to say, you must spend several hours daily studying with a tutor or by yourself at home. It is not a joke, but a real story in our country today. How can students get time for their part-time work? Even if they can get time to do it after school, in the evening, for example, it is very difficult for them to have a part-time job. A high school student is not strong enough to do that and there are so many adults who are unemployed. Most part-time jobs are boring and low-paid and some may affect your health, cause stress and mental problems. A part-time job may cause a student to neglect their studying. Therefore, students in their final year should spend the whole time learning to get the degree successfully.

Some people say that part-time jobs give students certain skills and a sense of responsibility. I can’t but agree with them. However, those skills may not be useful for their future career as a professional when they leave university for work. The biggest duty for students to fulfill is studying, not only for their future life but also for the nation’s fate. If they are too busy working part-time for money while still in school, they may lose their opportunity to follow a successful career in the future.

No parents want their children to lose their future. That is why they work hard to give their children the best they can. In response, students should study hard rather than trying to earn money while they are still in/at school.

I do not think that my opinion is applicable in all cases. There may be certain students who have to do part-time jobs for some reasons, especially when their parents cannot afford their schooling. But if your condition is good enough, you should pay attention to your study, which is the right way to your bright future.

By huyền trân trần

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