Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rent-A-Reindeer for Christmas - Thuê Tuần lộc chơi Giáng sinh

Originally from Sweden - now home for these reindeer is a farm in rural England. They belong to Angie and Martin Flint who run a reindeer rental business called Real Reindeer. They started the firm six years ago and Martin, a former policeman, says it's gone from strength to strength. SOUNDBITE: Martin Flint, Real Reindeer, saying (English): "Sales are up in the region of 25% in what's been a difficult trading year for a lot of people. I think its' a growing awareness, it's a new business, having reindeer and renting them out for events and for marketing and entertainment and I think there's just a growing awareness of it and more people wanting to have it." Customers range from private individuals to business owners and even the prime minister. Angie and Martin's reindeer made an appearance at David Cameron's London residence as his family hosted a children's Christmas party inside No.10. SOUNDBITE: Angie Flint, Real Reindeer, saying (English): "Children can go and see Santa Claws in a Grotto but a lot of the children can be really frightened, with reindeer they've got this magical quality, the big eyes, the soft noses and they're just lovely animals and I think that really brings in the magic." That's exactly what Sam Hutchins thought when she booked Matty and Ingar to appear outside her baby shop Honey Kitten. It's a new business and Sam is hoping the reindeer will leave a lasting impression on customers. SOUNDBITE: Sam Hutchins, owner of Honeykitten babyware shop, saying (English): "Nothing says Christmas more than reindeers and we needed something that would be enough of a draw or something that was going to be a bit different rather than have a santa or an event with mince pies or hot chocolate." But they're not cheap. Prices start from £500 depending on time and location. SOUNDBITE: Sam Hutchins, owner of Honeykitten babyware shop, saying (English): "I've committed my next 6 months advertising budget to the reindeer because if we manage to pull it off and we do get people along here I personally think that would be worth 6 months of advertising in a local newspaper." Angie and Martin seem to have hit on the latest must have seasonal accessory. They're fully booked until Christmas - it's a good job the real Santa has his own reindeer herd. Hayley Platt Reuters.

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