Monday, December 5, 2011

Most Expensive bikes - Xe đạp đắt nhất thế giới

A Bicycle which is one of the most economic vehicle in the world and mainly its eco supported vehicle. So, many environment specialists suggest people to use the Bicycles for shorter distances rather than Motor Vehicles.

Here is our Cool Sunday’s article for this Week : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World.

#1. Aurumania’s Gold Bike Crystal edition ($144,464)

Aurumania’s Gold Bike Crystal edition 550x320 Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World

#2. Trek Yoshimoto Nara Speed Concept ($200,000)

Trek Yoshimoto Nara Speed Concept Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World

#3. Trek “Butterfly” Madone ($ 500,000)

Trek “Butterfly” Madone Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World

#4. The Trek Madone 7-Diamond ($75,000)

The Trek Madone 7 Diamond Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World

#5. Electric Assist Bicycle by eROCKIT ($44,000)

Electric Assist Bicycle by eROCKIT 550x382 Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Bicycles in the World

This is our previous week Cool Sunday’s article, read it if you are not satisfied with this article : Cool Sundays : 5 Most Expensive Watches in the World

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