Monday, June 20, 2011

Inle Lake is one of the most famous places in Asia - Thắng cảnh Châu Á - hồ Inle

Inle Lake is one of the most famous places in Asia,

unfortunately or fortunately -it depends how you look at- almost no one knows this. Inle Lake can easily match Venice in terms of beauty and being unique and different at the same time.

Inle Lake has no Palazzo but unique pagodas and villages built on stilts right into the lake, giving a somehow visual pleasure and -very important- the people don't try to rip you off like the Italians do in Venice. You maybe know the price range in Venice -ice-cream 3 scoops 12 dollars- etc. or lousy spaghetti with a cockroach in there, so that you have some meat etc. this is standard in Venice and Italy. Luckily not in Inle Lake Burma, .

The Gulls of Lake Inle fly overhead, many are sitting on the whitewashed railings. The waterway widens into open water as it enters Inle Lake proper about 20 minutes later. Progress along the Inle Lake is indicated by the white mileposts sited at regular intervals, protruding out of the Inle Lake carrying circular red discs with the distance covered marked in miles on the approach side and the mileage from the opposite direction shown on the reverse side of the disc.

Boats carrying locals, visitors or tourists overtake your boat or speed past coming from the south, creating tiny swells in their wake and causing sprays of water to hit the people in your boat at Lake Inle. The Inle Lake Gulls in flight follow tourist boats tossing up food into the air.

Other water fowl can be seen as Inle Lake is one of the three fresh water lakes in Burma serving as wildlife sanctuaries for breeding of water birds and resting places for migratory waterfowl, in addition to forming the basis for fisheries.

At milepost 6, Inlay ‘Bo Teh,’ once a government rest house but now solely at the disposal of Tourism Ministry bigwigs, stands solitary on the left of Lake Inle amid the vast expanse of water .Villages and hamlets loom to the right, occupying the foothill areas with coconut palms standing tall, mango and other shade trees providing a green outline in the distance..........more e-book

Inle Lake Monastery of the jumping Cats Burma
Inle Lake Monastery of the jumping Cats - Burma
Inle Lake Boat Traffic Burma
Inle Lake Boat Traffic - Burma
Inle Lake gliding to the Market Burma
Inle Lake gliding to the Market - Burma

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