Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ectopia Cordis operation - Phẫu thuật tim lạc chỗ

Doctors at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) successfully operated on the 10 days old miracle baby, who was born with his heart protruding through his chest, on Thursday 3rd Sep. 2009.

Doctors at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) successfully operated on the 10 days old miracle baby, who was born with his heart protruding through his chest, on Thursday 3rd Sep. 2009.

In India, this 10 days old is the only first baby to have survived this uncommon medical condition – Ectopia Cordis – for such a long period and to successfully survive the hard surgical treatment.

The baby was born with a uncommon medical condition called Ectopia Cordis. Worldwide, 230 such cases have been reported and only three people have survived this condition.
What is Ectopia Cordis?

It is a very uncommon congenital abnormality in which the heart protrudes outside the body either from chest or neck. In only some cases, it protrudes from the abdominal cavity. A majority of such babies are either still born or die within hours after birth.


No perfect cause is identified. The failure happens when the sternum forms during the gestation period and the heart begins to mature in the wrong place.

In this path-breaking surgical treatment, the surgeons have created a new world record by doing the operation without suspending his body functions.

“We decided to do the surgical treatment without suspending his body functions. As there was no gap in his body to hold the heart, we formed a gap between the chest and abdomen to relocate the heart. Then step by step rotated the heart and put it back in the newly formed space,” said Dr AK Bisoi, additional cardiothoracic surgeon, AIIMS, who led the whole doctors team.

The newborn baby has been moved to Cardiac Care Unit and doctors say that every hour now is very important for the baby. “We have to closely watch the baby. Every hour is vital. We have to see how he responds to the surgery. Every stage was a challenge and the reality that he has survived for 10 days itself is an achievement,” said Dr Bisoi.

But the most important success for the doctors is that they could operate upon him on while his heart was beating. In the beginning, the doctors had planned that the baby will be put on a heart-and-lung machine and his body temperature would be lowered to 18 degree Celsius thereby suspending his body functions for a period of 30 minutes.

The operation started at 9 am on Thursday and was done in three-and-half-hours.

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