Friday, March 18, 2011

Cardiovascular Centre at Hue Central Hospital, Viet Nam - Trung tâm Tim mạch Bệnh viện Trung Ương Huế

Cardiovascular Centre at Hue Central Hospital, Viet Nam - Trung tâm Tim mạch Bệnh viện Trung Ương Huế


Since 2004, Atlantic has provided about $12 million in support to Hue Central Hospital to construct a cardiovascular centre, equip it and train the personnel.

The Hue Central Hospital serves more than 20 million people in central Viet Nam, a particularly poor section of the country. In 2003, the hospital was not equipped to perform heart surgery, and anyone requiring such surgery had to travel to Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City.

That year, Atlantic provided $12 million to support construction of a cardiovascular centre, equip it and train the personnel.


Since opening in 2007, the Cardiovascular Centre has served more than 57,000 outpatients and over 24,000 inpatients, and has performed more than 6,000 cases of open heart surgeries.


The Cardiovascular Centre at Hue Central Hospital was approved to perform the first heart transplant in Viet Nam, over other large hospitals in major cities like Ha Noi.


The Cardiovascular Centre helped Hue Central Hospital merit recognition by the Ministry of Health as one of the three top-tier hospitals in the country.

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