Thursday, March 24, 2011

7.0 magnitude quake hits near Thailand, tremors felt in Hanoi Trận động đất 7,0 độ richter gần Thái Lan, chấn động cảm thấy tại Hà Nội

7.0 magnitude quake hits near Thailand, tremors felt in Hanoi

Trận động đất
7,0 độ richter gần Thái Lan, chấn động cảm thấy tại Hà Nội

Two strong earthquakes struck northeastern Myanmar less than a minute apart Thursday night. They could be felt as far away as Hanoi, but a tsunami was not generated.

Hai trận động đất mạnh xảy ra phía đông bắc Myanmar cách nhau ít hơn một phút vào tối thứ năm. Chúng có thể được cảm nhận ở tận Hà Nội, nhưng một cơn sóng thần đã không được tạo ra.

The first 7.0-magnitude quake was just six miles (10 kilometers) deep, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. It was followed by another of the same strength but far deeper: 140 miles (230 kilometers).

Cơn động đất 7,0 độ richter đầu tiên chỉ sâu có 6 dặm (10 km), theo Cục Khảo sát Địa chất Hoa Kỳ cho biết. Tiếp theo là một cơn động đất khác sức mạnh tương tự nhưng sâu hơn: đến 140 dặm (230 km).

The quakes struck along Myanmar's borders with Thailand and Laos, about 70 miles (110 kilometers) from the northern Thai city of Chiang Rai.

Các trận động đất xảy ra dọc theo biên giới Myanmar với Thái Lan Lào, khoảng 70 dặm (110 km) từ thành phố phía bắc Thái Chiang Rai.

Buildings swayed in Bangkok, 500 miles (800 kilometers) south of the epicenter.

Nhà cửa lung lay tại Bangkok, 500 dặm (800 km) về phía nam tâm chấn.

The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center says it was located too far inland to create a destructive wave.

Trung tâm cảnh báo sóng thần Thái Bình Dương cho biết nó nằm quá sâu trong nội địa nên không tạo ra sóng thần.

In Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, many people said they felt tremors lasting from 10 seconds to over a minute, at around 9pm. Many evacuated themselves from high buildings.

Tại Hà Nội, thủ đô của Việt Nam, nhiều người nói rằng họ cảm thấy chấn động kéo dài từ 10 giây đến hơn một phút, vào khoảng 9 giờ tối. Nhiều người sơ tán khỏi các tòa nhà cao.

Vietnamplus quoted Mr. Le Huy Minh, Deputy Director of the Institute of Geophysics under the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, as saying these tremors were of 3 to 4 magnitude.

VietnamPlus trích lời ông Huy Minh, Phó Viện trưởng Viện Vật lý địa cầu thuộc Viện Khoa học và Công nghệ Việt Nam, nói rằng những chấn động có cường độ khoảng 3-4 độ richter.

Translated by nguyenquang

Large quake hits Myanmar near northern Thailand - Động đất Myanmar gần Bắc Thái lan

CHIANG MAI, Thailand (Reuters) – A large 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck Myanmar near the border with northern Thailand on Thursday, killing one woman, police and witnesses said.

Witnesses said the tremors were felt in Bangkok, central Myanmar and as far away as the Vietnam capital of Hanoi where people were evacuated from tall buildings.

Police said a 53-year-old woman in Mae Sai, Chiang Rai province, had been killed when one wall of her house collapsed. Hospital officials said there were no other deaths or injuries reported.

The quake was centered 111 km (69 miles) north of the town of Chiang Rai, Thailand's northernmost province.

"In my 40 years, I never felt an earthquake this strong. A glass broke and I had to hold on to a pillar," Thanawan Sisukniyom, a retired teacher in Mai Sai, told Reuters by telephone.

Witnesses in Chiang Mai, the country's second-largest city, reported no immediate damage, but said the earthquake was felt strongly.

A witness in the Myanmar town of Tachilek, which borders Chiang Rai, said parked motorcycles fell to the ground and cracks were seen in the road.

TPBS television said electricity was cut off in parts of Mae Sai. The earthquake was shallow at a depth of 6.2 miles.

Chiang Rai province is a sparsely populated, hilly area that forms part of the famous "Golden Triangle," known for growth of illicit opium and where Myanmar, Laos and Thailand meet.

Somchai Baimuang, deputy director of the Thai meteorological department, urged the public not to panic.

"It's too soon to tell if there is any damage," he told Reuters. "Aftershocks are possible in the next two days."

Residents left their homes in the Myanmar capital Naypyitaw and the biggest city, Yangon. No deaths or injuries were reported.

"Many people fled their homes and laid down on the ground outside away from the buildings. We are still sitting on the ground since there are several aftershocks," a resident in Kentung, 50 miles west of the epicenter, told Reuters by telephone.

"In some buildings, TV sets fell off the tables and shrine altars fell down. I don't know anything about the casualties but I think there will be a lot of damage to properties," he added.

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