Friday, February 11, 2011

Top 10 Most Dangerous Magic Tricks - Top 10 trò ảo thuật nguy hiểm nhất

Top 10 Most Dangerous Magic Tricks - Top 10 trò ảo thuật nguy hiểm nhất

There are many terms that can name a magician like illusionist, escape artist, practitioner of ceremonial magic etc. but what is in common for all of them is that magicians are those people who try to create illusion of impossible. These kind of entertainers are not only popular among children, but also among adults, especially if they are able to pull a trick in a way that can fooll the audience and that has a veil of mystery around it. Take a look at some of the most dangerous magic tricks to have been performed.

nhiều thuật ngữ có thể đặt tên một nhà ảo thuật như kẻ gây ảo giác, nghệ sĩ tẩu thoát, người thực hành ma thuật, vv nhưng điểm chung cho tất cả họ các nhà ảo thuật đều cố gắng để tạo ra ảo giác về những điều không thể. Những người làm trò giải trí này không chỉ quen thuộc với trẻ em, mà còn cả người lớn, đặc biệt là nếu họ có thể tiến hành thủ thuật theo cách có thể đánh lừa khán giả tạo bức màn bí ẩn xung quanh nó. Hãy xem một số các màn diễn ảo thuật nguy hiểm nhất đã được thực hiện.

1- Bullet Catch - Bắt đầu đạn

Even just the name of the trick gives you the ides how dangerous this trick is. It has taken the lives of many magicians and their assistant. The point of the trick is catching the bullet with your tongue or teeth. Even though there are some magical elements that are used during this 400 years old trick, the risk is extremely high The trick dates back to the 1600′s, where a magician named Coullew claimed that he could successfully catch a bullet. Ironically enough he was beaten to death with his own gun by an angry spectator.

Thậm chí chỉ cái tên của màn diễn này cũng khiến bạn hình dung trò này nguy hiểm như thế nào. Nó đã lấy mạng sống của nhiều ảo thuật gia và trợ lý của họ. Điểm mấu chốt của trò này là bắt lấy đầu đạn bằng lưỡi hay răng của bạn. Mặc dù có một số yếu tố xảo thuật được sử dụng trong 400 năm tuổi của trò này, nhưng rủi ro vẫn rất cao. Trò này bắt đầu từ những năm 1600, khi một nhà ảo thuật tên là Coullew tuyên bố rằng ông có thể bắt được một viên đạn thành công. Khá trớ trêu thay, ông đã bị bắn chết bằng súng của mình bởi một khán giả nổi giận.

2. Buried Alive - Chôn sống

Most people have the fear of being buried alive, not being able to breathe in a tight place. That is not the thing one should play with. Nevertheless, magicians decided to make a trick out of it, and a dangerous one, indeed. Houdini himself wanted to perform the trick, but he died before succeeding to do it. It is one of the most dangerous trick on the list, and many magician have tried to pull it off, just like Joe Burns did. His trick went wrong, while 7 tons of soil and concrete were loaded on top of him, something went wrong and all after excavation he was found crushed.

Hầu hết mọi người sợ bị chôn sống, không thể thở được trong một nơi kín. Đó không phải điều ta có thể đùa chơi. Tuy nhiên, nhà ảo thuật quyết định biến nó thành một trò diễn, một trò nguy hiểm thực sự. Chính Houdini muốn thực hiện màn ảo thuật này, nhưng anh đã chết trước khi có thể làm điều đó. là một trong những trò nguy hiểm nhất trong danh mục trò diễn, nhiều nhà ảo thuật đã cố gắng để thành công, giống như Joe Burns đã làm. Màn biểu diễn của ông đã hỏng, trong khi 7 tấn đất bê tông đã đổ lên trên người anh, một cái gì đó đã sai sót sau khi khai quật, ông được tìm thấy đã bị nghiền nát.

3 Chinese Water Torture Cell

Another crazy feat invented by Houdini was the water torture cell. The magician is handcuffed, his ankles are locked into a Restraint brace, he is suspended upside down in mid air, and then lowered into a glass tank of ice water, with the restraint locked at the top of the tank. Dangerous enough? Houdini wasn’t killed in the water torture cell, despite popular belief.

4 Tornado Of Fire

In 2001 David Copperfield stood in the center of a 2000 degree tornado of fire, and survived. This trick makes the list just on the name alone!

5 Spike

This nasty little number may not be the most Dangerous, or even the most impressive, but it has caused a lot of people a lot pain in the last couple of years! It is a variation on the old three shell game where the magician places a pea under one of three shells, then mixes them up at which point you try to identify the shell with the pea.

Modern magicians have given this classic a dangerous new spin by replacing the the pea, with a large spike, and the shells with styrofoam cups. The magician (blindfolded, or in another room) lets The spectator cover all the wooden blocks with the cups. He then walks over to the three cups and instantly smashes his hand on two, leaving the cup with the spike underneath untouched! Sounds amazing? Here’s what happens when it goes wrong with a spectator involved.

6 Frozen In A Block Of Ice
At 9 a.m, Monday November 27, 2000, in Manhattan’s Time Square, Magician David Blaine decided it was a good idea to freeze himself inside a solid 6 ton block of ice for 63 hours. He was encased in two halves, in which his body contour had been cut, so he had a small amount of room to scratch his nose (yeah, an itchy nose is the primary danger here Dave!). He also had life lines to monitor his health and a catheter to urinate. In my opinion this is one of the craziest feats in magic to date.

7 Straight Jacket Escape

Escape artist Harry Houdini was touring through a mental institution, when he spotted a man strapped in a straight jacket. He was struggling with all his strength and energy to get free of this device but to no avail. Houdini was fascinated at the effectiveness of this jacket and this was just the challenge that he had been looking for, thus giving birth to one of the most popular escapes to date. Since then it has grown more and more dangerous, such as being performed under water, hanging upside down from a crane, and being dragged behind a boat. If you can think of a stupid thing to do with a straight jacket, magicians have probably done it. There are no illusionary elements here, just good old escapology. The video above shows the original footage of Houdini performing this trick.

8 The Sword Cabinet
Here is another great classic of magic, the sword cabinet! The assistant climbs into a tiny little box which is then sealed shut. The magician then proceeds to thrust swords through every conceivable angle, leaving no apparent room to hide, The swords are then removed and the assistant reveals herself unharmed. But it is all a trick right? Not unlike the sawing in half illusion, there were many versions of this trick in history. Some of these versions do rely purely on calculated sword thrusts and a contortionist assistant, so the danger can be very real depending on who is performing it. There have been many injuries over the years. In the clip above, we see Hans Moretti performing this trick in a cardboard box.

9 Roller Coaster Escape
Award winning magician Lance Burton, while shackled and handcuffed to roller coaster tracks, with the roller coaster zooming along, has to pick the locks and escape before he’s little more than roadkill. The only thing I can think of to make this more dangerous is if the roller coaster was on fire. Enjoy!

10 Sawing A Woman In Half
Everyone has seen or at least heard of a magician sawing a woman in half, and everyone has their own little theory on how it works, but the truth is that the methods of this trick vary considerably which has lead to some of the greatest versions of the illusion emerging today. One of my personal favorite versions is performed by rock star magician Criss Angel, where there are no funny boxes or giant saws, just a magician and a spectator…

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