Sunday, February 20, 2011

Flying Car- Xe Bay

Flying Car- Xe Bay

Traffic jams - a thing of the past? Not a dream anymore…

In 1940, Henry Ford, Chairman, Ford Motor Company said: "Mark my word: A combination
airplane and motorcar is coming. You may smile. But it will come…" And now it's here, as
he predicted… the ideal car…not yet for sale, but soon. It's not a Star Trek gadget, it's the
new Moller Skycar, M400.
The Moller Skycar is the most dreamed "flying car", a prototype for a personal vertical take
-off and landing aircraft of Paul Moller, who has been attempting to develop such vehicles
for many years.
The M400, which seems to be still under development, is intended to provide four seats and
is known as a car since it is aimed to become one of the most popular means of transport
for anyone who can drive. It is a real wonder as no pilot knowledge is required ( this smart
car will have automated flight controls incorporated) - the driver must only input direction
and speed. The price for the first Moller Skycars is expected to be close to USD $1 million,
but it will finally drop to one of a quality car, as it will have incorporated inexpensive Wankel
rotary engines.

Moller Skycar

You've always known it was just a matter of time before the world demanded some kind
of flying machine which would replace the automobile and a US company is setting about
doing just that. Moller International has developed a personally affordable, personal vertical
takeoff and landing (VTOL) vehicle. Using a principle similar to that of the British Harrier jump
jet, the Moller Skycar volantor incorporates a patented thrust deflection vane system that
redirects thrust, enabling it to hover or to takeoff and land vertically from almost any surface.
This capability plus the added safety of ducted fans makes it ideal for a wide variety of
commercial and military applications.
These include private and charter air travel, express delivery, news gathering, border patrol,
police and fire work, and search and rescue, to name just a few. Powered by eight rotary
engines (two in each engine nacelles) that can burn almost any fuel from diesel to natural gas
the rotapower engines have only two major moving parts. one or more of the engines can fail
and the Skycar will still operate safely. Even if all eight engines fail two parachutes can bring
the skycar to a soft landing.
Dont sell your car just yet the Skycar is currently only in prototype and undergoing testing,
Several other hurdles are yet to be overcome like licensing Skycar drivers, where to takeoff
and land and how to manage the network of Skycar traffic. The later Moller is proposing to be
managed by a type of automated GPS based system that has yet to be developed.

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