Sunday, February 20, 2011

Faberge Chair - Chiếc ghế Faberge

Faberge Chair - Chiếc ghế Faberge

NEW YORK (AP) - Tiny chair, huge price tag.

A 2 1/4-inch Faberge chair sold for $2.28 million at a Sotheby's auction , easily
surpassing the $1 million presale estimate. The chair, made of gold and enamel
by the Russian jeweler Carl Faberge, was included in a two-day Russian art
sale that totaled $50.9 million, slightly higher than the $48.7 million presale estimate.
Sotheby's auction house said Faberge miniature furniture, such as the empire-style
chair, is among the rarest of the artist's creations and is not often auctioned.
The sale price included an auction house commission. The buyer was not named.
The sale also featured other Faberge works: A timepiece sold for $1.38 million, and
a desk clock doubled its estimated price and sold for $240,000. A number of paintings
also were sold, including a Mikhail Nesterov work entitled 'Vision of St. Sergius When
a Child, which went for $4.29 million, more than doubling its $2 million estimate.

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