Friday, January 7, 2011



National Geographic News’s most popular coverage of 2009 scientific finds is swarming with megamouth sharks, giant snakes, a transparent-headed fish, “Jacques Cousteau” clouds , and rare species rescued from obscurity—then eaten.

Tường thuật được biết đến nhiều nhất của tin tức địa lý quốc gia về các phát hiện khoa học năm 2009 bao gồm cá mập miệng khổng lồ, rắn khổng lồ, một loài cá có đầu trong suốt , những đám mây "Jacques Cousteau" , và các loài quý hiếm được cứu thoát từ cõi tối tăm, sau đó bị ăn thịt.

10. Ultra-Rare Megamouth Shark Found, Eaten - Cá mập ngoại hạng với miệng khổng lồ được phát hiện, sau đó bị ăn thịt

megamouth shark eaten Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
In March, the 41st megamouth shark ever found went from swimming in Philippine waters to simmering in coconut milk.

Trong tháng ba, con cá mập có miệng khổng lồ thứ 41 từng được tìm thấy đã đi từ vùng bơi lội trong các thủy vực Philippine vào nồi nấu nước cốt dừa.

9. Ancient Gem-Studded Teeth Show Skill of Early Dentists - Răng gắn ngọc thời cổ đại cho thấy kỹ năng của các nha sĩ thời xưa

jeweled teeth picture big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
The glittering “grills” of some hip-hop stars aren’t exactly unprecedented. Sophisticated dentistry allowed Native Americans to add bling to their teeth as far back as 2,500 years ago, a May study said.

8. Alien Giant Snakes Threaten to Invade Up to
1/3 of U.S.

giant snakes invasion us Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
Nine giant snakes could be on the verge of causing ecological catastrophe if they establish themselves in the U.S. wild—at least two have already set up shop in Florida—according to an October report.

7. Biggest Snake Discovered; Was Longer Than a Bus

giant snake pictures big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
The 60-million-year-old reptile was also heavier than a car, scientists said in February, adding that the fossil could shed light on climate change.

6. Gold Rush-Era “Ghost Ship” Wreck Found

gold rush shipwreck big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
With boots thrown hastily on deck and cooking utensils scattered, the last moments of the crew aboard the gold rush-era paddleboat A.J. Goddard are preserved in the ship’s recently found wreck, archaeologists announced in November.

5. Oldest Skeleton of Human Ancestor Found

oldest human skeleton ardi missing link chimps ardipithecus ramidus big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
There was never a chimp-like missing link between humans and today’s apes, according to an October fossil-skeleton study that could rewrite human evolutionary history. Said one scientist, “It changes everything.”

4. “Extinct” Bird Seen, Eaten

extinct bird photo big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
Long believed to be extinct, a rare quail from the Philippines was photographed for the first time ever—then sold at a poultry market, experts said in February.

3. New Cloud Type Discovered?

new type cloud sunset big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
Nicknamed “Jacques Cousteau” clouds, these “turbulent” seas in the sky could be examples of the first official new cloud type since 1951, experts said in June.

2. Fish With Transparent Head Seen Alive for First Time

fish transparent head barreleye pictures big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
Perhaps the most bizarre nature discovery of the year—though Stephen Colbert put it a bit less delicately—a Pacific barreleye fish shows off its transparent head and barrel-like eyes in pictures released on February of the first specimen ever found alive.

1. “Missing Link” Found: Fossil Connects Humans, Lemurs?

missing link found big Top 10 Nat Geo Discoveries of 2009
The 47-million-year-old, exceptionally preserved primate fossil “Ida,” unveiled on May 20, was hailed by some as a major discovery in human evolution.
The publicity frenzy made National Geographic News’s brief coverage our most viewed page of the year—and inspired a backlash as some experts, including one here at Nat Geo HQ, suggested Ida was more media event than milestone.

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